

I had no idea what I should post right now because I've just lost the paper which on it was written a poem that I just wrote this evening. And surprisingly, I totally forgot what I wrote. Not even a single word from it cross my mind. So, instead of trying to crack my head, I choose to make a short post instead and spent time updating something else, that would be FB since that the only one I have besides blog, and checking Celldweller’s (my idol) latest blog post, that would be March 10, 2011. I know how it sounded like. It’s a new record of the longest time not updating blog. The last time he did it, it was for three months and he left all of them, and I meant all seriously. Blog, FB, Twitter, MySpace YouTube Page and everything. At least this time he updated his FB...

Don't Believe Me?!
See?! Only FB 
PS: That's what I call Mini Klayton (Celldweller). He always use it to replace him.
Mini Klayton - Cute!!!
Klayton - The most Amazing guy!

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